What can I expect from the SPACE EXPLORERS: THE INFINITE?

The experience is an immersive journey into space aboard the International Space Station. The experience lasts approximately 40 to 55 minutes, through guided VR.

We ask visitors to kindly remain silent during their visit to SPACE EXPLORERS: THE INFINITE to encourage greater immersion for all.

How long does the experience last?

Please expect to spend about 45 to 60 minutes with us.

In what language is the experience presented?

The experience is presented in English.

Is the experience accessible for children?

The experience is accessible to those who are 9 years of age or older. Children, ages 9 to 12, will need a waiver signed by their parent/guardian before starting the experience. Children between 9 and 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Please note that the accompanying adult won't be able to supervise or assist the child during the VR portion of the experience. Children under the age of 9 will not be admitted, to include little ones in baby carriers, as it is not recommended by VR manufacturers.

What model of VR headset is used during the experience?

During your visit you will be wearing an Oculus Quest 2 that has a resolution of 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye.

Can I take pictures or record the experience?

Yes. We invite our guests to take photos and videos for personal use only and would love for you to tag us at @spaceexplorers.theinfinite and #theinfiniteexperience.

Please note, the use of flashes and tripods are strictly prohibited. Press photography (and any other photography for professional use) is also prohibited unless authorized and accompanied by a staff member.

Is it possible to wear eye glasses?

The use of contact lenses is preferable to enjoy an optimal experience. Otherwise, the VR device will be placed over your eyes.

According to official documentation from Oculus, if you need to wear eye glasses, it is recommended that glasses are 142mm or less wide and 50mm or less high. Anything larger will most likely have trouble fitting in the Quest 2 headset.

Is the experience the same for everyone?

No. SPACE EXPLORERS: THE INFINITE is an experience that is different for every visitor. Each visitor explores the International Space Station in their own way.

Is it necessary to dress a specific way for this experience?

We recommend you dress comfortably and wear comfortable shoes as you will be moving around the space freely. For your safety, we do not permit high-heeled shoe wear. Hats and caps are also not recommended due to the VR headset.

For the safety of others, backpacks (even small ones) are not permitted. Only small handbags or purses will be allowed.

Where can I find out more about the event/event organizers?

Space Explorers: THE INFINITE was created by INFINITY Experiences in association with TIME Studios. INFINITY Experiences is a joint venture founded in April 2020 by Studio PHI and Felix & Paul Studios. For more information, visit

Can the virtual reality experience be uncomfortable or unsuitable for certain people?

The virtual reality experience is safe and enjoyable but potentially uncomfortable for certain people. It is not recommended for people with claustrophobia, heart problems, a history of seizures, epilepsy, or sensitivity to flashing lights or 3D.

People prone to motion sickness are also more likely to experience discomfort using a virtual reality headset. Vertigo may persist and increase within a few hours of use. Symptoms may also include drowsiness. These symptoms may increase the risk of injury when undertaking normal activities in the real world.

Can children do Virtual Reality alone?

Children age 9 to 12 must do the experience accompanied. SPACE EXPLORERS: THE INFINITE is an experience suitable for families with children nine years and older. Under this age, children will not be admitted, even in a baby carrier, for safety reasons. We recommend that children ages 9-12 do the augmented reality experience with a tablet, as virtual reality headset manufacturers do not recommend their use in children under 12. If an accompanying parent or legal guardian wants their child to experience it in VR, they must sign a waiver on-site acknowledging the risks and authorizing the activity. Please note that the accompanying adult cannot supervise or assist the child during the VR portion.

Can I bring a stroller with me?

Due to the nature of the exhibition, strollers are not permitted.

I have hearing aids, is it possible to do the experience?

You can still do the experience with hearing aids, please note that the headsets have headphones attached to them and that the volume can be adjusted as needed.

For visitors who are hearing impaired, English subtitles are available.


Please be attentive to the experiences of others, by staying silent or speaking very quietly (if necessary) when addressing to others.

Please pay attention to the instructions from our team, and follow their advice and tips carefully to ensure you have the best experience possible.

Please be respectful of the sensitive equipment and handle it with care.